Seattle Public Schools

Career and Technical Education (CTE)

CTE Virtual Showcase

SPS CTE Virtual Showcase

Browse the work our incredible CTE teachers and staff are doing to connect students to careers!

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February 2025 CTE Showcase

Roosevelt Culinary teacher Mr. DiMeo brought his students to Seattle Culinary Academy housed in Seattle Central College for an amazing 4 course lunch and tour of the program. Culinary instructors gave speeches about their careers and 5th quarter students described the dishes.


Seattle Skills Center Wraps Up Summer Classes

Over 350 students spent their summers earning CTE credit at various Seattle Skills Center classes! Students cooked delicacies and built tiny homes at Chief Sealth, explored Puget Sound and the Salish Sea for Maritime Vessel Operations, welded infinity cubes for Manufacturing, explored trades with Career Choices, developed video games at Seattle World School, perfected beats at Roosevelt, and explored medical careers at Lincoln. Congratulations to all of our students and huge thank you to all Skills Center teachers for their hard work and dedication.