Seattle Public Schools

Capital Levies


Buildings, Technology, and Academics/Athletics IV (BTA IV) Capital Levy

Levy amount: $475.3 million
Approved:  February 2016 by 72% of ballots cast by Seattle voters
Replaced: Buildings, Technology, and Academics III (BTA III) Capital Levy
Levy collected: 2017-2022

The BTA IV Capital Levy supports the district’s long-range plans to upgrade and renovate aging school facilities and address enrollment growth. These levy funds:

  • Upgrade and reopen three school buildings, and add an addition to a fourth school, to address capacity needs created by growing enrollment.
  • Support building projects including renovations, major maintenance, and health and safety improvements.
  • Provide classroom technology equipment and instructional support to enhance student learning.
  • Provide for academics projects to meet the educational requirements and needs of students.
  • Improve athletic fields.

Buildings — $335.4 million

The Buildings component includes projects to provide more capacity to address student enrollment growth, provide safety and security improvements, and maintain physical integrity of school buildings.

Major Building Projects

Earthquake Safety Improvements: Bagley Elementary and Lincoln High School.

Part of the remodel costs for Bagley and Lincoln are included in the Building Excellence IV (BEX IV) Capital Levy. BTA IV provides supplemental funds over several categories to expand the scope of the renovations.

Fire Suppression/Sprinklers: Bagley Elementary, North Queen Anne School, and Lincoln High School.

Fire Alarm System Improvements: Bagley Elementary, John Muir Elementary, Meany Middle School, and Lincoln High School.

Integrated Security Cameras: Districtwide

Security Improvements, door and window alarms : Dearborn Park International Elementary, Muir Elementary, Orca K-8 at Whitworth, Aki Kurose Middle School, and Rainier Beach High School.

Intercom System Replacements: Bagley Elementary, Muir Elementary, Meany Middle School, and Lincoln High School

Roof Replacement/Seismic Diaphragm Upgrades : Replace all or portions of roofs and make roof improvements that improve earthquake safety: Ballard High School, Dearborn Park International Elementary, Garfield High School, Ingraham High School, Lincoln High School, and West Seattle High School.

Exterior Renovations/Improvements: Replace exterior windows at three buildings, replace exterior doors at 10 buildings, and upgrade exterior walls at four buildings.

  • Windows: Bagley Elementary, Franklin High School, and North Queen Anne School
  • Doors: Bagley Elementary, Franklin High School, Garfield High School, Graham Hill Elementary, Lincoln High School, Lowell Elementary, Orca K-8 at Whitworth, Queen Anne Elementary, Sanislo Elementary, and Wedgwood Elementary
  • Exteriors: Ballard High School, Eckstein Middle School, Franklin High School, and Gatewood Elementary

Heating, Ventillation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Systems: Bagley Elementary, Gatewood Elementary, and Lincoln High School

Electrical Improvements: Bagley Elementary, Franklin High School, Lincoln High School, and North Queen Anne School

Plumbing Improvements: Bagley Elementary and Lincoln High School

Districtwide Support Projects: Routine replacement of equipment for food service, lunchrooms, maintenance, grounds, and security, and the planning and election costs for the BEX V Capital Levy in 2019.

Property Acquisition: Budgeted funds to acquire additional property to meet future capacity and other needs if appropriate opportunities come on the market. Having this budget reduces the lead time for the district to acquire property, and it reduces the need to take on additional debt to finance property purchases.

Major Preventive Maintenance: Continue preventive maintenance program with predictable painting schedules, and predictable inspection and servicing of building systems.

Capital-eligible Program Loan Repayment

Capital and Technology Financing Obligations Principal Payments

Technology — $104.7 million

Making strategic investments in technology supports learning and teaching in the classroom; delivers services to students, teachers, staff, and families; and improves efficiencies in business processes. Categories of BTA IV technology funding include: student learning, instructional support and delivery, physical safety and security, information/data security and privacy, school and instructional support, communication transparency and outreach.

Academics/Athletics — $35.2 million

Special Education Program Modifications : Make building modifications to support better delivery of special education services closer to home: Districtwide

Core 24 Graduation Requirements : Add science and computer labs at high schools as needed to support new state graduation requirements: High schools

Student Assessment System Licenses : Maintain licenses to use student assessment systems that provide information on student progress and support teachers in differentiating instruction for each student: Districtwide

Program Placement : Support changes to buildings and portables to meet changing needs in placement of programs around the district, and pay for capital-eligible new program and curriculum materials: Districtwide

Athletics Fields Improvements and Exterior Lighting: Upgrade athletic fields at seven locations, install energy-efficient lighting at two fields, and maintain defibrillators.

  • Fields: Jane Addams Middle School, Chief Sealth High School, Eagle Staff Middle School, Garfield High School, Hale High School, Ingraham High School, and Lower Woodland Park*
  • Lighting: Eagle Staff Middle School and Lower Woodland Park*
  • Defibrillator Battery Replacement: as needed

*Lower Woodland improvements were in partnership with Seattle Parks and Recreation and have been cancelled. Funding will be reprogrammed to other capital projects.


The  BEX/BTA Capital Programs Oversight Committee is a citizen oversight committee required by the School Board. The committee assures that the BEX and BTA programs support academic achievement in the schools, as well as program revenues, expenditures, and planning for future BEX and BTA levies or bonds.

More information about the Oversight Committee


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